Biography mct pet ct scans
Siemens biograph pet/ct
Biograph mCT is engineered as a true dual-modality scanner, which integrates the best performance of both PET and CT into a single compact system.
Siemens biograph mct price
high-resolution PET scan enables detectability of small lesions without compromising scheduling, while the large bore (78 cm) accommodates large patients and enables an easy and precise .
Siemens pet/ct scanner price
As such, planning and Biograph mCT FlowTM is the world’s first PET•CT system to eliminate the demand for stop-and-go imaging.
Siemens biograph 16 pet/ct scanner specifications
Designed as a truly hybrid system, BiographTM1 mCT allows you to expand your system utilization in PET, CT and radia-tion therapy planning (RTP) imaging.