Umashankar joshi wikipedia in gujarati

Umashankar joshi in hindi

જોશી ઉમાશંકર ‘વાસુકિ’, ‘શ્રવણ’ (૨૧-૭-૧૯૧૧, ૧૯-૧૨-૧૯૮૮), કવિ, વાર્તાકાર, નવકથાકાર, નાટ્યકાર, નિબંધકાર, વિવેચક, સંશોધક, સંપાદક, અનુવાદક.

umashankar joshi wikipedia in gujarati

Umashankar joshi death

As a writer Umashankar Joshi was deeply concerned with the social, economic and political issues of his times.

Umashankar joshi kavita

Born in Bamna, a small village of north Gujarat in , Umashankar Joshi received inspiration for creative writing from the beautiful surroundings of the hilly region as well as the social life of Missing: wikipedia.
Umashankar joshi essay in gujarati
જન્મ: 21 જુલાઈ (અષાઢ વદ 10, વિ.સં.